Oh God, we’re having twins.

SH*T!! I’m not equipped for this. On Saturday I started bleeding some so we went in for an early ultrasound (the 6 week one is next week still) and there are TWO gestational sacs. I have no idea how I’m going to do anything- one newborn is hard enough, but two….. simultaneously….. omg….. well this brings up all sorts of new dilemmas. For one- money. How the heck am I going to pay for two newborns and two hospital bills let alone THREE kids in daycare??? Daycare is $76/day/child. That’s $1520/month for one child. That’s $4560/month for three kids and nearly $55,000 for the year for three! We can’t make that work. That’s an actual salary. That’s legitimately working just to put the kids in daycare. WTH am I going to do? This isn’t even taking into account diapers or clothes or whatever else we need for twins. JUST HOW???

Then comes the next dilemma. I’m now considered a high risk pregnancy and I was not a happy pregnant lady to start with. Which means more doc appointments and more time off work and less time to save up for babies. That also means an earlier due date bc twins. Which also means that I only have really a good 6-7 months to stock up both financially and emotionally.

Next dilemma: I have next to no additional support where we currently live. So that means I’m most likely going to be doing it all on my own while hubs works. Oh! AND we’re going to need to get a new car bc there’s no way three car seats are going to fit in our current car. Sh*t again.

I was not prepared for this when we discussed the 1 vs 2 embryos thing. I mean, what are the odds that we would be the 1 in 5 that get twins from IVF????

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. What are we going to do?

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